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Roadents API v0.0.1

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

The Roadents API describes a group of HTTP endpoints to run a variety of public transit routing algorithms. These include things like finding possible round trips in time constraints, finding reachable areas, optimizing routes, etc. Methods are called using the HTTP GET method. Arguements are passed directly in the URL as URL Query Parameters. Most methods rely on some sort of branching algorithm; as such, most of them take some sort of initial location and initial time. Locations are always passed using 2 separate parameters, latitude and longitude. These are passed as signed floating point numbers; latitude ranges from -90.0 to 90.0 and longitude ranges from -180.0 to 180.0. Values like 90.0 E do not work. All values representing lengths of time are passed in seconds. If passed as a float they will be truncated to the nearest integer second value. All values representing specific points in time are passed as seconds since January 1st, 1970 GMT.

Base URLs:

API Methods


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET [URL PATH HERE]/donut?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60 \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET [URL PATH HERE]/donut?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60 HTTP/1.1
Host: null

Accept: application/json

var headers = {


  url: '[URL PATH HERE]/donut',
  method: 'get',
  data: '?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60',
  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

const request = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {


fetch('[URL PATH HERE]/donut?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60',
  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = RestClient.get '[URL PATH HERE]/donut',
  params: {
  'latitude' => 'number(double)',
'longitude' => 'number(double)',
'query' => 'string',
'total_time' => 'integer(int64)'
}, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json'

r = requests.get('[URL PATH HERE]/donut', params={
  'latitude': '-90',  'longitude': '-180',  'query': 'string',  'total_time': '60'
}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("[URL PATH HERE]/donut?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "[URL PATH HERE]/donut", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

GET /donut

Finds all desired locations reachable in a given time.

The Donut algorithm finds routes reachable in a given time. The user passes their starting location, how long they would like to travel, and what they are looking for and the Donut algorithms gives them all the places they can reach and the steps to get to them. The algorithm also allows for a variety of filters to allow the caller to only get the routes they want and nothing they do not.


Parameter Description Required Type Min Max Default
latitude The latitude the user starts at. true number(double) -90 90 N/A
longitude The longitude the user starts at. true number(double) -180 180 N/A
query What the user is searching for. This can be anything from "food" and "Walmart" to "Virginia Court House" or "Caltech". true string N/A N/A N/A
total_time The maximum time the user wants to travel for, in seconds. true integer(int64) 60 10800 N/A
departure_time The time to start at, in seconds since midnight, Jan 1, 1970 GMT. Can also pass -1 to use the current time. false integer(int64) -1 N/A -1
max_walk_time The maximum amount of time the user wants to walk for, in seconds. false integer(int64) N/A N/A N/A
max_wait_time The maximum amount of time the user wants to spend waiting for transit, in seconds. false integer(int64) 60 N/A N/A
min_dist The minimum distance, in meters, that a route's destination is from the start location. false integer(int64) N/A N/A N/A
steps The maximum number of steps over the course of the route. false integer(int64) 1 10 5
limit The maximum number of routes to return. false integer(int32) N/A 100 50

Example responses

200 undefined

    "start_point": {
      "latitude": -90,
      "longitude": -180,
      "location_type": "input"
    "end_point": {
      "latitude": -90,
      "longitude": -180,
      "location_type": "input"
    "start_time": 0,
    "total_time": 0,
    "steps": [
        "total_time": 0,
        "step_type": "transit",
        "start_point": {
          "latitude": -90,
          "longitude": -180,
          "location_type": "input"
        "end_point": {
          "latitude": -90,
          "longitude": -180,
          "location_type": "input"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The list of routes that satisfy the passed query. Inline
5XX Unknown unexpected error Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

The routes meeting the query.

|anonymous|[Route]|true|The routes meeting the query.|

Status Code 5XX

An HTTP error.

|» message|string|true|The text of the error.|


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET [URL PATH HERE]/weasel?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60&arrival_time=-1 \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET [URL PATH HERE]/weasel?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60&arrival_time=-1 HTTP/1.1
Host: null

Accept: application/json

var headers = {


  url: '[URL PATH HERE]/weasel',
  method: 'get',
  data: '?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60&arrival_time=-1',
  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

const request = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {


fetch('[URL PATH HERE]/weasel?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60&arrival_time=-1',
  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = RestClient.get '[URL PATH HERE]/weasel',
  params: {
  'latitude' => 'number(double)',
'longitude' => 'number(double)',
'query' => 'string',
'total_time' => 'integer(int64)',
'arrival_time' => 'integer(int64)'
}, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json'

r = requests.get('[URL PATH HERE]/weasel', params={
  'latitude': '-90',  'longitude': '-180',  'query': 'string',  'total_time': '60',  'arrival_time': '-1'
}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("[URL PATH HERE]/weasel?latitude=-90&longitude=-180&query=string&total_time=60&arrival_time=-1");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "[URL PATH HERE]/weasel", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

GET /weasel

Finds all desired locations that can reach a given location in a given time.

The Weasel algorithm finds routes that allow the user to reach a given location by a certain time. The user passes in the location they want to eventually reach, when they want to reach the location by, how long they want to take to get there, and the kind of places they want to start at. The algorithm will then return routes starting at a location meeting their request and ending at their given location before the end time and taking less time than the maximum specified. Currently the algorithm will attempt to end the route as close to the end time as possible, however due the nature of public transit systems it is unlikely that many if any routes end at the provided end time. The algorithm provides all the same filters that Donut does, though some may behave slightly differently due to Weasel's "reversed" nature.


Parameter Description Required Type Min Max Default
latitude The latitude the user will end up at. true number(double) -90 90 N/A
longitude The longitude the user will end up at. true number(double) -180 180 N/A
query What the user is searching for. This can be anything from "food" and "Walmart" to "Virginia Court House" or "Caltech". true string N/A N/A N/A
total_time The maximum time the user wants to travel for, in seconds. true integer(int64) 60 10800 N/A
arrival_time The time to ends at, in seconds since midnight, Jan 1, 1970 GMT. true integer(int64) -1 N/A -1
max_walk_time The maximum amount of time the user wants to walk for, in seconds. false integer(int64) N/A N/A N/A
max_wait_time The maximum amount of time the user wants to spend waiting for transit, in seconds. false integer(int64) 60 N/A N/A
min_dist The minimum distance, in meters, that a route's destination is from the start location. false integer(int64) N/A N/A N/A
steps The maximum number of steps over the course of the route. false integer(int64) 1 10 5
limit The maximum number of routes to return. false integer(int32) N/A 100 50

Example responses

200 undefined

    "start_point": {
      "latitude": -90,
      "longitude": -180,
      "location_type": "input"
    "end_point": {
      "latitude": -90,
      "longitude": -180,
      "location_type": "input"
    "start_time": 0,
    "total_time": 0,
    "steps": [
        "total_time": 0,
        "step_type": "transit",
        "start_point": {
          "latitude": -90,
          "longitude": -180,
          "location_type": "input"
        "end_point": {
          "latitude": -90,
          "longitude": -180,
          "location_type": "input"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The list of routes that satisfy the passed query. Inline
5XX Unknown unexpected error Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

The routes meeting the query.

|anonymous|[Route]|true|The routes meeting the query.|

Status Code 5XX

An HTTP error.

|» message|string|true|The text of the error.|



A series of steps a user can take to reach a destination.

  "start_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "end_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "start_time": 0,
  "total_time": 0,
  "steps": [
      "total_time": 0,
      "step_type": "transit",
      "start_point": {
        "latitude": -90,
        "longitude": -180,
        "location_type": "input"
      "end_point": {
        "latitude": -90,
        "longitude": -180,
        "location_type": "input"


A series of steps a user can take to reach a destination.

Name Type Description
start_point Location The location the route starts at.
end_point Location The location the route ends at.
start_time integer(int64) The time the route begins, in seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.
total_time integer(int64) How long the route takes, in seconds.
steps [RouteStep] The steps to get from start_point to end_point.


A singe step in a route.

  "total_time": 0,
  "step_type": "transit",
  "start_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "end_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"


A singe step in a route.

Name Type Description
total_time integer(int64) How long this step takes, in seconds.
step_type string (enum) The type of step this is. Currently this can be one of transit for a TransitStep, walk for a WalkStep, or stop for a PitstopStep.
start_point Location The location that this step starts at.
end_point Location The location that this step ends at.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
step_type transit
step_type walk
step_type stop


A step where the user walks from one location to another.

  "total_time": 0,
  "step_type": "walk",
  "start_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "end_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "walk_distance": 0


allOf - discriminator: RouteStep.step_type

Name Type Description
anonymous RouteStep No description


Name Type Description
walk_distance integer(int32) The distance the user walks, in meters.
step_type string (enum) WalkSteps have a step_type value of walk.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
step_type walk


A step in which the user takes a form of public transit, like a bus or train. Because of this start_point and end_point are guranteed to be of type Station.

  "total_time": 0,
  "step_type": "transit",
  "start_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "end_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "wait_time": 0,
  "travel_time": 0,
  "agency": "string",
  "route": "string",
  "stops": 0,
  "transit_type": "bus"


allOf - discriminator: RouteStep.step_type

Name Type Description
anonymous RouteStep No description


Name Type Description
wait_time integer(int32) How long the user is waiting at start_point between walking and their bus/train/ferry/etc beginning to travel to end_point, in seconds.
travel_time integer(int32) How long the bus/train/ferry/etc takes to travel from start_point to end_point, in seconds.
agency string The agency that controls this bus route.
route string The name of the route taken.
stops integer(int32) The number of stops travelled between start_point and end_point.
transit_type string (enum) The type of transit used in this step. Can be one of bus, train, ferry, or misc.
step_type string (enum) TransitSteps have a step_type value of transit.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
transit_type bus
transit_type train
transit_type ferry
transit_type misc
Property Value
step_type transit


This step represents the user not moving from a location for an amount of time. This step is used in routes generated by algorithms like LunchBreak, where the route contains a non-Station location in the middle of the steps. start_point and end_point represent the location the user will be stopping at, and total_time is how long the user remains at that location. For example, if the user wants to go to a restaurant, eat, and then go to class, the route will contain a PitstopStep where start_point and end_point are both the restaurant and total_time is the time spent eating.

  "total_time": 0,
  "step_type": "stop",
  "start_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"
  "end_point": {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": -180,
    "location_type": "input"


allOf - discriminator: RouteStep.step_type

Name Type Description
anonymous RouteStep No description


Name Type Description
step_type string (enum) PitstopSteps have a step_type value of stop.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
step_type stop


A location of any possible type. While all locations contain these fields, some may contain more; this is dependent on the type of location this is, stored in the location_type field.

  "latitude": -90,
  "longitude": -180,
  "location_type": "input"


*A location of any possible type. While all locations contain these fields, some may contain more; this is dependent on the type of location this is, stored in the location_type field. *

Name Type Description
latitude number(double) The latitude of the location.
longitude number(double) The longitude of the location.
location_type string (enum) The type of location this is. Can be one of input, station, or returned depending on if this location was passed by the caller, a valid location meeting the caller's query, or a station to travel between the two.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
location_type input
location_type station
location_type returned


The location the caller passed in to the method. This has no extra information, and has a location_type value of input.

  "latitude": -90,
  "longitude": -180,
  "location_type": "input"


allOf - discriminator: Location.location_type

Name Type Description
anonymous Location No description


Name Type Description
location_type string (enum) Input locations have a location_type value of input.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
location_type input


A public transit station. In addition to standard fields, it also has a name field. It has a location_type value of station.

  "latitude": -90,
  "longitude": -180,
  "location_type": "station",
  "name": "string"


allOf - discriminator: Location.location_type

Name Type Description
anonymous Location No description


Name Type Description
name string The name of the station, like "23rd and 2nd".
location_type string (enum) Stations have a location_type value of station.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
location_type station


A location found by the method to meet the given requirements. It has a name and a series of tags in addition to the standard location field.

  "latitude": -90,
  "longitude": -180,
  "location_type": "returned",
  "name": "string",
  "tags": [


allOf - discriminator: Location.location_type

Name Type Description
anonymous Location No description


Name Type Description
name string The name of this location.
tags [string] A list of keyword-style categories that apply to this location, like "park".
location_type string (enum) ReturnedLocations have a location_type value of returned.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
location_type returned